
Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Fall of Time

In unit 3 of Light, Sound, and Time we learned about different ways of telling time. Sundials, time zones, geographical coordinates and pendulums had been some of the unconventional ways of telling time we had studied. We had done an experiment during class where we put all clocks, watches and phones in a box and experience what is was like to not know, or have access to knowing, what time it was. We then observed clocks that told time through senses other than sight. This brought us to our final action project, to design and explain our own unique time telling device. It had been very difficult to come up with a solid idea, and it had taken me a long time before I finally decided on creating an improved water clock. I definitely love how my design turned out. Please enjoy my clock and animation below.

My device is similar to test tube waterfalls in the way it looks but with a more modern flare and colored lights. The water used in it would be made to smell like lilac water. That, along with the sound of running water, make it very calming. The clock shows 15 minute intervals that lead into a 12 hour container. Many people base their time off of 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and the hour when planning when to leave, etc. so I decided to use those increments for my clock. As I stated before, the clock has constantly running water, and a modern look. It also has colored lights that make it easier to see in the dark, and at each 15 minute mark, the water makes a splash that makes it easy to tell when 15 minutes has passed.

First of all, this clock creates a very calming atmosphere with the lilac scented water and the sound. Also, many people plan their days around 15 minute intervals. Many people in America don’t know how to read a 24 hour clock, so the large container only counts 12 hours at a time before restarting. This clock is a unique way of telling time while still being comprehensible. Many clocks that try to stray from the norm of time telling are either too complicated or too confusing to read and understand. Nearly every watch and clock has the option of an alarm at specific intervals, usually hours, but they’re loud and startling. This clock also alerts the user to the time, 15 minute intervals as well as hours, but it isn’t as startling because it’s just a splash that stands out from the usual running water sound. This clock is also very accurate because the amount of water in the entire clock stays the same and recycles itself. A lot of the time, time can slip away from us, we often rely on clocks with their timers and alarms to notify us when the specified time rolls around, but sometimes we can forget to set or change alarms. My clock can’t be used as a timer any better than the usual clock can, and it doesn’t have an alarm feature, but there’s no way to turn off the “notification” every 15 minutes. Another problem that clocks have is that unless they are digital or in some other way utilize light to tell time specifically, you can’t see them in the dark and therefore don’t know the time if there’s no external light. My clock has lights in the bases of the containers and each container is a different color.

First, the containers I’m using for the clock have a slanted base, making them trapezoids, this allows the water to easily flow from one unit to the next. Trapezoids are shapes that are made up of rectangles and triangles, for my clock those triangles are right triangles allowing me to use the Pythagorean theorem to determine the lengths of the legs and hypotenuse. Since the 12 hour container is below the 15 minute one and to restart, the water from the 12 hour would have to be recycled into the 15 minute, there needs to be a way to move water against gravity. For this, I decided to use a suction pump which relies on a circular impeller that acts like a vacuum. To determine the size of the impeller, I’d have to implement pi into my calculations.

First, the containers I’m using for the clock have a slanted base, making them trapezoids, this allows the water to easily flow from one unit to the next. Trapezoids are shapes that are made up of rectangles and triangles, for my clock those triangles are right triangles allowing me to use the Pythagorean theorem to determine the lengths of the legs and hypotenuse. Since the 12 hour container is below the 15 minute one and to restart, the water from the 12 hour would have to be recycled into the 15 minute, there needs to be a way to move water against gravity. For this, I decided to use a suction pump which relies on a circular impeller that acts like a vacuum. To determine the size of the impeller, I’d have to implement pi into my calculations.

First, the containers I’m using for the clock have a slanted base, making them trapezoids, this allows the water to easily flow from one unit to the next. Trapezoids are shapes that are made up of rectangles and triangles, for my clock those triangles are right triangles allowing me to use the Pythagorean theorem to determine the lengths of the legs and hypotenuse. Since the 12 hour container is below the 15 minute one and to restart, the water from the 12 hour would have to be recycled into the 15 minute, there needs to be a way to move water against gravity. For this, I decided to use a suction pump which relies on a circular impeller that acts like a vacuum. To determine the size of the impeller, I’d have to implement pi into my calculations.

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Physics Laboratory, "Water clocks were among the earliest timekeepers that didn't depend on the observation of celestial bodies." The first water clock was discovered in 1500 BC in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep I. They’re called Clepsydra which means “water thief” in Ancient Greece, and there are two different designs used, outflow and inflow. Outflow water clocks work by starting with a container filled with water and that has markings to show whatever time intervals were being used. The water slowly drained out of the container to show how much time had passed. Inflow is the opposite, a marked container starts out empty and a bowl with a small hole in the bottom slowly fills the container up with water and time is told based on how much water there is. Water clocks were created to fix the problems with sun dials. The first more obvious problem was that sun dials couldn’t tell the time if the sun wasn’t out. The other problem was that sun dials didn’t work as timers. Water clocks were seen mainly in Ancient Greece and Egypt. In Greece, they became most popular in Athens, and many philosophers, such as Aristotle, used them to time their speeches. They were also used to time events such as court dates to make sure that they didn’t run out of time.

Works Cited:

"Water Clocks." National Institute of Standards and Technology Physics Laboratory. Infoplease. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.

"How Does It Work." How Does It Work. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Whose Body, Whose Choice

In unit 3 of A Nation’s Argument we learned how to find a compromise between two opposing arguments. We studied the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which helped to resolve the contradictions of discrimination in our nation, mainly racism. This lead us to our final action project: to choose a position on a topic, find a contradiction within it, and come to an agreement between the two opposing sides. The topic I chose is abortion--the pro-life vs. pro-choice debate. While working on this project, I found it had been extremely difficult finding synthesis between the two perspectives, a child’s life cannot be split in half or divided in a way that will fully satisfy either position. Despite this challenge, it was interesting understanding the viewpoint of pro-lifers, and yet still have my pro-choice beliefs. Please enjoy my post below.

Abortion has been a hot topic among politicians for decades, with members of all parties taking sides in the pro-life vs. pro-choice debate. As a nation of free people, I believe we should respect women’s decisions when it comes to their bodies, even if they are pregnant. We already have great organizations in place, such as Planned Parenthood, that help these women who may chose not to have their child. Although many people and politicians are petitioning to get rid of these resources and make abortion illegal, I argue it should remain legal. We need to have better support, services, and education. We may not be saving a fetus, but we could possibly be saving a child from a horrendous life.

The government believes they have the power to decide what is right for the individual, born and unborn. People themselves have the right to decide what they want to do with their lives. Women should also have that right when it comes to their child because it is their responsibility, which should mean that it’s their choice. Teen mom's make up a significant percentage of women who abort. “Eighteen percent of all U.S. abortions are from teenagers”, because not all teens are in a safe environment, or are not ready to give birth mentally or physically. There is also the possibility that parents won’t allow their daughter to have a kid and she could get kick out of her home. I know a person who lived in a small town, where there is not a Planned Parenthood clinic, who was pregnant at seventeen but was unable to support a child and was not in good health. The clinic we went to reminded me more of a factory's assembly line where when they call your number you go in pregnant and come out not pregnant. This is only one example--most healthy women who have the ability to take care of their child would want to keep their child. Some who do abort either don’t meet these criteria or don’t want the child because they wouldn’t enjoy raising a kid. Women who didn’t want a child at all who don’t abort and don’t give the child up for adoption, usually end up with the child having hate-filled lives. They could be blamed for mistakes because the parent(s) don’t want them, leading them to have high depression and anxiety, possible suicidal tendencies, gang activity, or drugs. Additionally, if a pregnant woman ends up being sick or the child is ill for whatever reason, it could cause an unsafe birth where both the mother and child could die, even if the child survives, the mother may not. If it ends up being that the mother survives, the devastation of losing her child would last a lifetime. (Jones, Finer,& Singh, “Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients”).

Support for my thesis below:

“Only you can decide what is best for you. But we are here to help. A staff member at your local Planned Parenthood health center can discuss abortion and all of your options with you and help you find the services you need.”
-Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc.;

“The new “21st Century Women’s Health Act” — sponsored by Sens. Patty Murray (D-WA), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), and Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) — seeks to build on the recent progress under the Affordable Care Act by ensuring that all women have the maternity coverage, family planning services, and rape crisis tools they need. The legislation is endorsed by Planned Parenthood”
-Tara Culp-Ressler;
Female Senators Introduce Pro-Choice Bill To ‘Fight Back Against Those Who Miss The Mad Men Era’”;; Mar. 5, 2015

“Growing up, I was surrounded by people who adored me and were there to fulfill my every wish, although I don't quite remember my mother in the whole picture. She was never there for me, not when I was going through hell in my life, fighting addiction, suicidal tendencies and mental breakdowns - she simply didn't know what to do with me.”
“I Was An Unwanted Child”;; Sep. 1, 2009

The main argument that pro-lifers use is that abortion unjustly takes a life of a defenseless human being, and that, similar to one of my arguments, no one besides the child has the right to decide what happens to the child’s body. One big pro-life supporter was former Surgeon General of the U.S., Dr. C. Everett Koop. He claimed that not only had he never encountered a moment where a child had to be aborted to save a mother’s life, but also that “Abortion [killing infants before birth], infanticide [killing infants after birth], and euthanasia [killing adults] stand before us like dominoes; the first to fall has been abortion on demand.” This is him comparing murder to abortion showing that hey are at the same level of severity.

Since a life is unable to be split into two, the only comprise these two greatly opposing sides can agree on is devising better ways to inform women before they make the decision to get an abortion. Both sides can agree that more awareness and education about other options should be made available, without pressure or coercion, inside and outside abortion clinics. Clinics should provide informational classes about what abortion entails to women before they decide to go through with it. People who support pro-life and pro-choice should be on the Board together in order to make official decisions on what the women would learn in the class.

This synthesis would satisfy both sides to some degree and focuses on women, who in the end are the carriers of the baby. I’d present my idea to Congress and major pro-life leaders to collaborate on improving abortion facilities, education, and to create a federal law that would help the process of making life easier and safer for everyone. Nonetheless, it is the woman’s choice to decide whether to get an abortion or not because it is up to them what happens to their own body.

Question(s) for opposition(s):
What makes the criminalization of abortion worth so much to the harm of women who would get it performed illegally?

Question(s) for opposition(s) to me:
If a child is considered a part of the woman's body, why is it that the fetus has its own genetic code and heartbeat?

Works Cited:

"Abortion Information | What Are Your Options?" Abortion Information | What Are Your Options? Planned Parenthood, n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.

C. Everett Koop, M. D., as told to Dick Bohrer, in "Moody Monthly," May, 1980.

Culp-Ressler, Tara. "Female Senators Introduce Pro-Choice Bill To ‘Fight Back Against Those Who Miss The Mad Men Era’." ThinkProgress RSS. N.p., 05 Mar. 2015. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.

Jones RK, Finer LB and Singh S, Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients, 2008, New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2010.

"Pro Life vs Pro-Choice Facts and Arguments." Pro Life vs Pro-Choice Arguments. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.

Tenebra. ""I Was An Unwanted Child"" I Was An Unwanted Child : I Was An Unwanted Child Story & Experience. N.p., 1 Sept. 2009. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Raise Your Hand if You're Absent

In unit 2 of A Nation's Argument we learned more about the strengths and flaws of an argument, and studied the U.S. Constitution, the purpose for it and its relation to the Declaration of Independence. We focused on the Judicial Branch and the decision of the Supreme Court case "Scott vs Sandford" (1857). From this we looked at the amendments that are in the U.S. Constitution which then brought us to our second action project, creating an amendment to the GCE Code of Conduct. I chose to revise a section of the absence policy because being young adults we have the ability to speak for ourselves without information being relayed through a parent or guardian. I liked this project because it gave us the freedom to make a change where we saw fit, but i also found it difficult to choose between the areas in which i felt passionate. Please enjoy my proposed absence policy below.

I would like to address an amendment from the GCE Student Code of Conduct: "Absences". The current rule of the Absence policy is "A parent or guardian is expected to communicate with GCE Lab School as soon as possible when a student is going to be absent."

This rule is unjust because as high school students we should be in control of informing the school of our absence without the need of parents or guardians. In a short four years most of us will be either in college or the working world where it is your responsibility to inform those in charge, and it is their fault not the parents or guardians.

The formal argument of the Absence policy is:

P1: Students are absent sometimes.

P2: When a student is absent the school must be notified.

P3: A parent or guardian must inform the school because students are minors.

C: Parents or guardians are expected to inform the school of a students absence.

Now, I understand that most high school students are still minors, but it feels like in this case we are being treated more like elementary students. With four years left until adulthood and the working world we need to be prepared to take on the responsibility of informing others of our absence, among other things. Also being in a school like GCE, where we are specifically taught how to be responsible, hard-working adults, this part of the absence policy contradicts the core values.

The formal argument of my proposed Absence policy is:

P1: GCE's core values are purpose, gratitude, achievement and autonomy.

P2: GCE prepares students for college life and the real world.

P3: Sometimes students will be absent from school.

P4: In the "real world" people who are absent from work/college do not need parents to inform their supervisors/instructors.

C: GCE students should be allowed to inform the school of their absences themselves.

"Emotional States While on a Phone"(2011) GETTY
The picture above shows the frustration of being on the phone and being put on hold or arguing their point with the person on the other end who just won't listen. This relates perfectly to my argument on how a student is being ignored when they call in their own absence. Below is an example of this feeling of frustration.
Imagine you work for a big time company and have a break through idea, you email your boss this idea but his response is to have your supervisor email it to him because you are too new to the company. How would you feel to be apart of this company and not have your opinions valued due to being new; it is the same way students feel when they call in sick and are told that a parent or guardian still needs to inform the school even though they already know.

Students will feel more in control of their lives and therefore feel more relaxed both in and out of school. School is generally a place where students have no control in the teacher dictates what your suppose to do so to have a little control in this environment gives a sense of piece, and most of the time confidence. With this confidence students will become more focused both in and out of school. I talked to a fellow peer and cosigner, JR, about my proposed amendment on the Absence policy in the Code of Conduct to which they agreed stating, "If you miss it's your responsibility to make up the work and keep up with the class."

If viewed on the larger U.S. Constitution scale, my amendment mostly relates to that of the first amendment in the case that our freedom of speech is being violated. Being that this is the first amendment in the U.S. Constitution it should be important to make sure that right is respected across all boundaries in the United States, even in student-teacher relationships. This shows true citizenship because equality all American citizens have despite differences.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

One Can Band

In Light, Sound and Time, Unit 2, we learned about sound, how fast it goes and what role it plays in our everyday lives. We looked at different waves sound makes, the role frequency plays, how the ear processes sound, and the Doppler Effect. We observed how different instruments produce sound and the acoustics of a space. We then went on an FE to Threshold Acoustics where our guide told us the importance of acoustics in a space and how it affects us daily. This brought us to the action project, to build Diddley Bows, which are one string guitars with a can attached to wood. It had been difficult to get the tension just right, but luckily my peers assisted me. I am proud of how my Diddley Bow sounds and looks. Please enjoy my one stringed guitar below.

Making the Diddley Bow had been both fun and difficult. I created this guitar with a piece of wood, a tin can, screws, a guitar string, and a battery. To build the Diddley Bow I poked a hole in the middle of the can in order to get the string through it. Then you screw the screws into the wood and tie each end of the string to a screw. Once this is done place the battery under the string farthest from the can. I suggest putting a screw in front of the battery and behind the can in order to hold them in place.

TS "Marked Harmonics"(2016) GCE Lab School
TS "Diddley Bow"(2016) GCE Lab School
The Diddley Bow creates sound when the string vibrates and is then amplified by the tin can to make it more audible. When you place a slide on the string it shortens a part of the string causing the pitch to change. This one string guitar demonstrates pitch/frequency in both the tightness and thickness of the string used. Once we have the frequency we can see what the wavelength and amplitude of the sound waves would look like. It demonstrates sound waves when the string is plucked and the sound wave is resonated.

TS "Sketch"(2016) GCE Lab School
The Doppler Effect is the change in frequency due to motion relative to the listener. If I were to move the Diddley Bow towards a listener would seem like it has a higher frequency and louder sound as it moves towards a listener while it would seem like it would have a lower frequency and quieter sound as it moves away from the listener.

The string of my Diddley Bow had a length of 27 inches and a thickness of 0.049 inches, and the volume of the body is 31.8 inches cubed. The frequency is 55.00 Hertz (Hz) and the wavelength is 627.27 cm. Below are the harmonics involved with my one string guitar. To get the second harmonics you must multiply the previous frequency by two while dividing the previous wavelength by two.

TS "Harmonic Calculations"(2016) GCE Lab School
If I were to do this project over again I would want to add more strings and have more wood on the bottom to cover the screws that are poking through. Below is an audio of my Diddley Bow.