In unit 2, Katabasis, we learned about a part of the hero's journey where the hero "dives into the underworld". This is where the hero finds themselves in a strange land and begin to explore the unknown. Here they start to face the true dangers and challenges of their journey. We really looked into some journeys of endurers who are infamous. The main two people we studied were David Blaine, a magician who trained to hold his breath for 17 minutes, and Laura Dekker, a fourteen year old who sailed around the world by herself. We analysed their processes (the planning and the preparations) in achieving the goals in their lives. For our action project we were tasked with a 12 hour challenge that would bring us one step closer to reaching our goals and document the whole process. I chose to practice shooting different types of handguns so this way I will have experience and know which style handgun suits me best. There had been multiple obstacles I faced when doing the challenge. First had been just deciding on a challenge itself because there are only so many things you can do to prepare to become a police officer. The others had been fatigue and accuracy. I really enjoyed this project because it taught me what I need to be ready for as I continue down this path, and that it won't be an easy journey. Please enjoy the video of my process below.
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