In Social Entrepreneurship, we learned about everything that goes into making a business. We went over the basics such as marketing, incentives, mission/vision statements, sales, and pitches, as well as some lesser known concepts such as hedgehog concept, financial projections, and legal structures. We read the book E-Myth Revisited to better understand the mentality an entrepreneur needs when starting their own business. For our FE’s, we had guest speakers like the founder of Purple Asparagus, the director of 826Chi, and the founder of GCE, Eric Davis, come in to show us what they thought worked the best and to give us tips and tricks for starting and running a business. Our action project was to create our own business idea over the entire term, and we learned about each part of our business as we created it. We went really in depth with our business ideas to the point where, if we had the time and resources, we could actually make these ideas a reality. We each had to make a quick, two minute, video of our pitch for 'potential' investors. I really enjoyed the entire process of creating our businesses because this is a real thing that I am contemplating on doing. To be able to get good insight on what it would take and the work that goes into it on top of having a decent beginning with research will help a lot in the future. The only part that I had truly struggle with was the financial projections since it really depends on the individual hair salon. Overall this course genuinely helped in believing that I could do this in the, hopefully near, future. Please enjoy my pitch below.
"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” - Andre Gide
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Friday, June 2, 2017
Just Keep Swimming
In unit 3, Apotheosis, we looked into the endurance of survivors. We examined their experiences and used them as inspiration for our own life missions. The main people we learned about was an African man who was a child soldier and Elie Wiesel, author of Night. For our FE this unit, we were tasked to come up with and design our own based around a fear or our missions. I ended up basing mine off of my mission and went to interview two Chicago police officers to get better insight on what to expect when I join the force. For the action project we were to write a survival guide about our life's future goals. This, for me, is the process of becoming apart of the CPD discussing what I will need to be prepared, a potential timeline, and a back up plan if the worst case scenario were to happen while pursuing our missions. Overall, this was relatively straightforward as I, mostly, know what my life will look like in the next three years. However, it was slightly troublesome writing the timeline past that since I do not know when my number will be called to start the academy, so I had to put down my educated guess for that date and those past it. Doing this project really helped me figure out some kinks in my plans for the future giving me a clearer vision for what needs to be done. This was a great way to end my last humanities class before moving onto my next stage in life. I hope you enjoy my survival guide below.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Paying it Forward
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TS. "Chowdah-fest Chefs". 2017 |
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"Christmas Tree Crew". 2015 |
Monday, May 15, 2017
Entering 12 Hours
In unit 2, Katabasis, we learned about a part of the hero's journey where the hero "dives into the underworld". This is where the hero finds themselves in a strange land and begin to explore the unknown. Here they start to face the true dangers and challenges of their journey. We really looked into some journeys of endurers who are infamous. The main two people we studied were David Blaine, a magician who trained to hold his breath for 17 minutes, and Laura Dekker, a fourteen year old who sailed around the world by herself. We analysed their processes (the planning and the preparations) in achieving the goals in their lives. For our action project we were tasked with a 12 hour challenge that would bring us one step closer to reaching our goals and document the whole process. I chose to practice shooting different types of handguns so this way I will have experience and know which style handgun suits me best. There had been multiple obstacles I faced when doing the challenge. First had been just deciding on a challenge itself because there are only so many things you can do to prepare to become a police officer. The others had been fatigue and accuracy. I really enjoyed this project because it taught me what I need to be ready for as I continue down this path, and that it won't be an easy journey. Please enjoy the video of my process below.
Monday, May 1, 2017
Beginnings of a Journey
In unit 1, Morpheus, we learned about different people and groups who have had to endure harsh physical and mental challenge and how these trials helped them evolve. This unit really focused on finding our own dreams and our journey in getting there. As a class we have even done some endurance challenges of our own. The first being to sit silently, with no distractions, for fifteen minutes straight. The second task was to hold an ice cube in our hands for one minute, we did this twice. For our FE we went to a dojo to do boot camp training, pushing ourselves to the physical and mental limits. The action project consisted of writing an autobiography in the perspective of ourselves thirty years in the future. We will “look back" on our journeys that have lead us to our chosen goals and dreams. I struggled with deciding on which dream I wanted to go with, and after some deliberating I decided to go with the future of being a Chicago Police Officer. I enjoyed being able to do this because it gave me a real chance to think of how I want to achieve my dreams and what I really want to do in the future. Please enjoy my autobiography below.
My existence is a miracle. Not only was I an accident, but also had been an emergency C section--being strangled by the thing that kept me alive for nine months, the umbilical cord. It was discovered that the cord wrapped itself around my neck four times which is rarer than rare. This trend seemed to continue as I grew up, I have constantly surprised people with my resilience. Whenever someone would tell me I couldn’t do something, I would prove them wrong. Due to this, I developed the skill to learn things quickly. I have been put into a multitude of activities over the years, always managing to awe people at the feats I was able to accomplish. One activity I did in my spare time was solving any type of puzzle. When my parents saw this, they would play crime shows on the television for me during Sunday mornings. I was hooked from then on, becoming infatuated with spies and detectives. My favorite was, by far, Batman. I had always had a love of reading, but this new interest in crime shows caused me to start reading all sorts of mystery novels. I especially loved the Nancy Drew series.
My home life was never a stable, happy one with my parents seemingly having perpetual fights and moving all around the United States. Because of this, I took on more responsibilities and acted older than I was. Other people would repeatedly tell me that I had an old soul and that I was wise beyond my years. Their words did not make sense to me until I was in my preteens. I just figured that all children dealt with issues like these. As the years passed by, I soon realized that this was not how families should act; mine was one filled with domestic violence, both emotional and physical. Being the older sibling, I took it upon myself to shield my little brother from the hate filled violence that plagued our home. I did not want him to become jaded at an early age like I had been. My desire for him was to live as carefree as possible for as long as he could. At this moment, unbenounced to me until later in life, I discovered my life’s mission: to help and protect others. When I entered grammar school, many of my friends were being bullied. Every time I saw this, I would stand up for them. I have always had a strong sense of justice and a good feeling for what was right and what was wrong, so if I saw something that I believed was bad or wrong, I would do my best to stop or fix it. I had never thought anything of it, I was just helping a friend out in their time of need the same way that I trusted they would help me when I needed them. I later found that the trust I felt had no merit as I was left behind in my time of need.
I was around ten years old when I truly discovered my mission and aspired to become just like my fictional heroes. I began reading all sorts of finished case files that were posted and easily accessible. I studied famous and infamous (well known & lesser known) serial killers that were caught or never found. The library was my second home and my face was buried in more books than ever before. Ultimately, I noticed that during shows I would subconsciously piece together the clues, figuring out things most people would not think of until much later or what would happen next. This was not limited to crime shows, but comedies, dramas, and horror as well. This went as far as to branch out to events I witnessed in real life, from me walking down the street to being in the classroom. I was continuously analysing my surroundings and the people in it, without being conscious that I was doing it. When I discovered that my family was good friends with another family whose dad was an agent for the FBI, you can only imagine how ecstatic I was. He was the first official person I had met that was the physical embodiment of the characters I grew to idolize. Whenever I could I asked him questions about what was going on and what it was like being apart of a government agency. This man gave me a true goal to work towards in the future that felt realistic and bigger than a simple detective, he pointed me towards the future of being an FBI agent.
By the time I entered high school I was extremely jaded, having laid witness to too much and being used as an outlet for my parents rage towards each other. At this point they were in their third year of their divorce and, being the eldest, I was held responsible for my brothers mistakes and was visualised as either my mom or dad, depending on who I was with, due to having picked up traits from both of them over the past fourteen years. Now, despite appearing healthy, I noticed that something was apparently wrong by reason of the fact that I started to actually struggle in multiple aspects of my life. In order to ascertain if I had a legitimate problem I went to my mom’s psychologist and got diagnosed with ADHD. This explained the extreme difference in my grades compared to grammar school, and why I struggled to remain on task with work I found uninteresting. Despite this hindrance as a freshman, I was still aiming to become an FBI field agent. It was not until sophomore year where I started to question my dream. This was the year where I had been informed of my severe depression. My already low grades dropped along with my GPA. I began doubting whether or not I would be able to make it into any good schools and/or programs that the FBI highly recognized, so I decided to pursue the military path (preferably the Coast Guard or Marines). However, right before junior year I figured the military wasn’t for me and I ended up changing it to do something with history because of a couple of reasons, one being that I’m good at it. The other reason is that I strongly believe in the words George Santayana once said: “ Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” Half way through the year I learned that being a history major required writing a lot of essays, and since I knew I wasn’t a strong writer I switched to wanting to be a psychologist. I thought that I could help a lot of people, especially because it’s hard to find good psychologists that truly help those who have mental disabilities; most just prescribe medication as the solution. When I entered senior year, the pressure of the commencement of applying to colleges and basically figure out what I planned on doing with my life was on. From the start of my last year I knew I needed a break from school, but I did not know where to go from there. In October a friend told me that the Chicago Police Department test was coming out again and, because I was eighteen, I was eligible to apply. I knew that inside I still wanted to be apart of the law force, so I finally chose to take the test and move towards becoming a police officer. Despite the constant changes to what I wanted to become there was one common trend, my mission that I have had since young childhood -- the need and action of helping people.
Subsequently after applying to the CPD I needed to prepare for the tests. There were three main parts that I was required to pass before being given a number that would tell me when I would start at the academy. First the written test, then the physical test, and lastly the interview. I knew that the written test would be rather simple, but I’ve always struggled with self-doubt and, add that to my anxiety, it was difficult to think I’d pass. The POWER test, physical fitness exam, was by far the most challenging and taxing. Due to my small size, no taller than five feet two inches and weighing one-hundred and ten pounds, I’ve had to do intense workouts for longer periods of time to have a chance at being able to keep up with the other, larger candidates. There were numerous exercises that had to be completed in either a certain amount of time or by reaching a specific number minimum. These tasks had been doing sit-ups for a minute, bench pressing half your weight, push-ups, and a mile and a half run. Not only was I hindered by my stature but by past injuries from accidents and activities. The run ended up proving the most demanding, with me barely finishing in the expected time for my age bracket, because of my bad knees from years of softball, volleyball, and track/cross-country. I was very surprised to find out that I passed the test and received a date for the interview. I was a nervous wreck and feared that on account of my poor mental health, which totaled up to three disorders, I would be deemed unfit for the job. Luckily this ended up not being the case.
Reflecting on the road I have taken and the opposition faced, I think of these two great people: Demi Lovato and J.K. Rowling. Both of them have strained relations with their fathers, suffer from sever depression, and lived in a home that had some form of domestic violence. However, despite these adversities they each did/do something grand. Rowling went on to write the Harry Potter series while Lovato continued to create music and wrote a book, Staying Strong, about her daily affirmations. They had both overcome their own ordeals when they were at their lowest points, in the end making them stronger than they were previously. That is all that I did. At my lowest point there were only two options left: give up on everything, or claw my way back up. I used these two women as inspiration to keep me going knowing that they have dealt with similar trials in their youth and early adulthood as I have, yet became successful and achieved their goals.
Many believed that I would have amounted to nothing. I used to believe them, but now that I see where I am and how far I've come, I know I always chose the best path for me. Being a police officer has given me so much purpose in life. Regardless of the crap the news and people say about cops, and the overall assumption that we are corrupt, I love what I do. Working on a much smaller level than the FBI has allowed me to get closer to my community and help more citizens rather than the government. It has become painstakingly clear to me over the past few decades that I don’t possess the ability to change everything or help everyone. Although, in spite of not being able to change the world, I can change someone’s world. As Mother Teresa once said “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you.”
Chapter 1: Against All Odds
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TS. Red Cross Training. 2015. |
My existence is a miracle. Not only was I an accident, but also had been an emergency C section--being strangled by the thing that kept me alive for nine months, the umbilical cord. It was discovered that the cord wrapped itself around my neck four times which is rarer than rare. This trend seemed to continue as I grew up, I have constantly surprised people with my resilience. Whenever someone would tell me I couldn’t do something, I would prove them wrong. Due to this, I developed the skill to learn things quickly. I have been put into a multitude of activities over the years, always managing to awe people at the feats I was able to accomplish. One activity I did in my spare time was solving any type of puzzle. When my parents saw this, they would play crime shows on the television for me during Sunday mornings. I was hooked from then on, becoming infatuated with spies and detectives. My favorite was, by far, Batman. I had always had a love of reading, but this new interest in crime shows caused me to start reading all sorts of mystery novels. I especially loved the Nancy Drew series.
My home life was never a stable, happy one with my parents seemingly having perpetual fights and moving all around the United States. Because of this, I took on more responsibilities and acted older than I was. Other people would repeatedly tell me that I had an old soul and that I was wise beyond my years. Their words did not make sense to me until I was in my preteens. I just figured that all children dealt with issues like these. As the years passed by, I soon realized that this was not how families should act; mine was one filled with domestic violence, both emotional and physical. Being the older sibling, I took it upon myself to shield my little brother from the hate filled violence that plagued our home. I did not want him to become jaded at an early age like I had been. My desire for him was to live as carefree as possible for as long as he could. At this moment, unbenounced to me until later in life, I discovered my life’s mission: to help and protect others. When I entered grammar school, many of my friends were being bullied. Every time I saw this, I would stand up for them. I have always had a strong sense of justice and a good feeling for what was right and what was wrong, so if I saw something that I believed was bad or wrong, I would do my best to stop or fix it. I had never thought anything of it, I was just helping a friend out in their time of need the same way that I trusted they would help me when I needed them. I later found that the trust I felt had no merit as I was left behind in my time of need.
I was around ten years old when I truly discovered my mission and aspired to become just like my fictional heroes. I began reading all sorts of finished case files that were posted and easily accessible. I studied famous and infamous (well known & lesser known) serial killers that were caught or never found. The library was my second home and my face was buried in more books than ever before. Ultimately, I noticed that during shows I would subconsciously piece together the clues, figuring out things most people would not think of until much later or what would happen next. This was not limited to crime shows, but comedies, dramas, and horror as well. This went as far as to branch out to events I witnessed in real life, from me walking down the street to being in the classroom. I was continuously analysing my surroundings and the people in it, without being conscious that I was doing it. When I discovered that my family was good friends with another family whose dad was an agent for the FBI, you can only imagine how ecstatic I was. He was the first official person I had met that was the physical embodiment of the characters I grew to idolize. Whenever I could I asked him questions about what was going on and what it was like being apart of a government agency. This man gave me a true goal to work towards in the future that felt realistic and bigger than a simple detective, he pointed me towards the future of being an FBI agent.
By the time I entered high school I was extremely jaded, having laid witness to too much and being used as an outlet for my parents rage towards each other. At this point they were in their third year of their divorce and, being the eldest, I was held responsible for my brothers mistakes and was visualised as either my mom or dad, depending on who I was with, due to having picked up traits from both of them over the past fourteen years. Now, despite appearing healthy, I noticed that something was apparently wrong by reason of the fact that I started to actually struggle in multiple aspects of my life. In order to ascertain if I had a legitimate problem I went to my mom’s psychologist and got diagnosed with ADHD. This explained the extreme difference in my grades compared to grammar school, and why I struggled to remain on task with work I found uninteresting. Despite this hindrance as a freshman, I was still aiming to become an FBI field agent. It was not until sophomore year where I started to question my dream. This was the year where I had been informed of my severe depression. My already low grades dropped along with my GPA. I began doubting whether or not I would be able to make it into any good schools and/or programs that the FBI highly recognized, so I decided to pursue the military path (preferably the Coast Guard or Marines). However, right before junior year I figured the military wasn’t for me and I ended up changing it to do something with history because of a couple of reasons, one being that I’m good at it. The other reason is that I strongly believe in the words George Santayana once said: “ Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” Half way through the year I learned that being a history major required writing a lot of essays, and since I knew I wasn’t a strong writer I switched to wanting to be a psychologist. I thought that I could help a lot of people, especially because it’s hard to find good psychologists that truly help those who have mental disabilities; most just prescribe medication as the solution. When I entered senior year, the pressure of the commencement of applying to colleges and basically figure out what I planned on doing with my life was on. From the start of my last year I knew I needed a break from school, but I did not know where to go from there. In October a friend told me that the Chicago Police Department test was coming out again and, because I was eighteen, I was eligible to apply. I knew that inside I still wanted to be apart of the law force, so I finally chose to take the test and move towards becoming a police officer. Despite the constant changes to what I wanted to become there was one common trend, my mission that I have had since young childhood -- the need and action of helping people.
Subsequently after applying to the CPD I needed to prepare for the tests. There were three main parts that I was required to pass before being given a number that would tell me when I would start at the academy. First the written test, then the physical test, and lastly the interview. I knew that the written test would be rather simple, but I’ve always struggled with self-doubt and, add that to my anxiety, it was difficult to think I’d pass. The POWER test, physical fitness exam, was by far the most challenging and taxing. Due to my small size, no taller than five feet two inches and weighing one-hundred and ten pounds, I’ve had to do intense workouts for longer periods of time to have a chance at being able to keep up with the other, larger candidates. There were numerous exercises that had to be completed in either a certain amount of time or by reaching a specific number minimum. These tasks had been doing sit-ups for a minute, bench pressing half your weight, push-ups, and a mile and a half run. Not only was I hindered by my stature but by past injuries from accidents and activities. The run ended up proving the most demanding, with me barely finishing in the expected time for my age bracket, because of my bad knees from years of softball, volleyball, and track/cross-country. I was very surprised to find out that I passed the test and received a date for the interview. I was a nervous wreck and feared that on account of my poor mental health, which totaled up to three disorders, I would be deemed unfit for the job. Luckily this ended up not being the case.
Reflecting on the road I have taken and the opposition faced, I think of these two great people: Demi Lovato and J.K. Rowling. Both of them have strained relations with their fathers, suffer from sever depression, and lived in a home that had some form of domestic violence. However, despite these adversities they each did/do something grand. Rowling went on to write the Harry Potter series while Lovato continued to create music and wrote a book, Staying Strong, about her daily affirmations. They had both overcome their own ordeals when they were at their lowest points, in the end making them stronger than they were previously. That is all that I did. At my lowest point there were only two options left: give up on everything, or claw my way back up. I used these two women as inspiration to keep me going knowing that they have dealt with similar trials in their youth and early adulthood as I have, yet became successful and achieved their goals.
Many believed that I would have amounted to nothing. I used to believe them, but now that I see where I am and how far I've come, I know I always chose the best path for me. Being a police officer has given me so much purpose in life. Regardless of the crap the news and people say about cops, and the overall assumption that we are corrupt, I love what I do. Working on a much smaller level than the FBI has allowed me to get closer to my community and help more citizens rather than the government. It has become painstakingly clear to me over the past few decades that I don’t possess the ability to change everything or help everyone. Although, in spite of not being able to change the world, I can change someone’s world. As Mother Teresa once said “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you.”
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Playlist for the World
In Mixtapes we learned about music through its cultural origins. Our primary focus had been on Jazz and the Blues, and how they had inspired future genres. Another learning opportunity we were given was the chance to learn new instruments. When we did this, we were completely unprepared for what lay ahead, none of us were ready to hold a new instrument that we may have never thought of playing before, but it ended up being fun. We also got to participate in “Daily DJ” where we each got to bring in music for a day and talk about it with the rest of the class. For our AP we were told to pick five songs for a playlist we thought would work for the Pitchfork Music Festival. I really enjoyed this project because it allowed me to delve into songs I already loved. I also like that I get to share my music and my opinion about the world with my peers. At first, I found it difficult to find a theme to work with. I got past this problem by picking songs that I felt complimented each other before really linking them together with a theme or idea. Please enjoy my playlist below.
1. Melanie Martinez - Dollhouse
2. Icon For Hire - Think I'm Sick
3. Lindsey Stirling - Crystallize
4. Fireflight - Unbreakable
5. Walk Off The Earth - Rule The World
1. Melanie Martinez - Dollhouse
2. Icon For Hire - Think I'm Sick
3. Lindsey Stirling - Crystallize
4. Fireflight - Unbreakable
5. Walk Off The Earth - Rule The World
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Hoping for a Fair and Equal Representation
In unit 3, Organization, we learned about what makes a group, or company, perform at their best and the methods they use. Looking into business practices such as Six Sigma and Total Quality, then at systems thinking to see how each component works together to make the whole. For our action project we were tasked to find a system in the school and create a SWOT based off it. Along with the SWOT we had to connect the system to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the Commons, and business trends. The main goal was to find a solution to the problems within the system and explain how it would improve it. I ended up choosing the student council because I believe it is a vital part of any school. I really enjoyed interviewing members of the school about the council because they all had a lot to say, good and constructive. I had really struggled with relating I-O psychology to student council, but I found help from my peers and a shared resource we created. Please enjoy my SWOT on the student council below.
Works Cited:
BM (Teacher). Personal Interview. 2017.
LS (Student). Personal Interview. 2017.
“Industrial and Organizational Psychology.” American Psychological Association. N.p. Web. Accessed February 6, 2017.
KK (Director). Personal Interview. 2017
SG (Student). Personal Interview. 2017
"Vroom expectancy motivation theory | Employee motivation theories | YourCoach Gent." Your Coach. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2017.
Works Cited:
BM (Teacher). Personal Interview. 2017.
LS (Student). Personal Interview. 2017.
“Industrial and Organizational Psychology.” American Psychological Association. N.p. Web. Accessed February 6, 2017.
KK (Director). Personal Interview. 2017
SG (Student). Personal Interview. 2017
"Vroom expectancy motivation theory | Employee motivation theories | YourCoach Gent." Your Coach. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2017.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Equality for All
In unit 2, Herstory, we learned about the issues of gender, race, and class that plague our society. We looked at how the feminist movement of the 1970s helped change and shape the fight for equality. For our action project we had to look at society one hundred years into the future and create a time capsule. The capsule is suppose to contain a multitude of documents that show a possible event of equality. I struggled coming up with the toy that related to my topic without being offensive. However, I enjoyed thinking about what the future could possibly look like and the events that might happen. Please enjoy my time capsule below.
Today marks the day where America finally pushes aside its differences. There is over one hundred years of distrust and hate due to the fear of terrorism looking like someone of Muslim heritage, Muslims have been viewed as civilizations threat and menace. The most current name for this is Islamophobia, but this has only been since 2001, before it there was orientalism where, through cultural and historical lenses, the United States perceived the east, especially the Middle East. However, despite the prejudice, President Omar Mustafa has become the first Muslim to be sworn into office in the United States. He was also the first president to not swear under god.
Born in Chicago, Illinois President Mustafa was raised by his grandparents who, according to him, are the reason he decided to become a politician. They went through many hardships, but had always supported his dreams and encouraged him to make a change. Now, forty-seven years later, he is making many reforms to this country. New laws that benefit everyone in the United States no matter your race, gender, or class. The number of people in poverty is at a record low with more people being able to get well paying, stable jobs. The large gap between the poor and rich has closed significantly; the middle class is now the largest group. His campaign slogan of “A New America”, where he promised equality and the abolishment of discrimination, has shown true.
Many had been afraid that, due to President Mustafa being a highly religious Muslim, church and state would be combined. When confronted about this all he had to say was, “I am the same as any president that was before me. Just because I am Muslim instead of Christian will not change how this country is run. The only factor of the way I will hold my presidency is that of equality for all American Citizens.”
With so many changes already happening we can only hope this trend will continue across his four year term.
Dear Editor,
Voting for President Mustafa was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It is great to finally have someone in office that wasn’t of Christian or Catholic faith. As a person who is Muslim I never thought I would live to see the day where I wasn’t looked at with fear or being assumed to be a terrorist. People might accuse me of voting for him because he is a Muslim. Despite this being one of the factors, it is not the only one. President Mustafa is highly qualified. He was the Mayor of Chicago, Governor of Illinois, and a senator. Not to mention he speaks three languages and has a degree in both political science and law. Even if he had been a different race, I would have still voted for him because I believe in him and his policies. After taking oath, President Mustafa has changed so much for people of all races. Trying to have people accept one another with different programs, activities, and toys. He especially focuses on the children because they are the future and if we can teach them to not be racist America will be better for it. President Mustafa is a role model for the races that have faced prejudice. His presidency proves that no matter where you come from or what the color of your skin is, you can do anything you put your mind to.
Thank you for publishing my letter,
Aaleyah Yasin
Dear Editor,
The United States is going downhill fast. How could we allow a Muslim to President? He will drive this country into the ground. Mustafa needs to go back from where he came from before he lets more terrorists into America. His people beat and rape their women! this cannot happen here America is for the free. For him to not pledge to God is a sign of the horrors to come. It is one nation under God, not Allah!
David Smith
This doll has a button that changes skin tone and comes with traditional garments from multiple countries around the world. It will teach children acceptance of others and their heritage. The goal is to eventually eradicate discrimination of others based off of what they look like or where they come from.
Chicago Tribune February 21, 2117
America Regains Its Freedom
Born in Chicago, Illinois President Mustafa was raised by his grandparents who, according to him, are the reason he decided to become a politician. They went through many hardships, but had always supported his dreams and encouraged him to make a change. Now, forty-seven years later, he is making many reforms to this country. New laws that benefit everyone in the United States no matter your race, gender, or class. The number of people in poverty is at a record low with more people being able to get well paying, stable jobs. The large gap between the poor and rich has closed significantly; the middle class is now the largest group. His campaign slogan of “A New America”, where he promised equality and the abolishment of discrimination, has shown true.
Many had been afraid that, due to President Mustafa being a highly religious Muslim, church and state would be combined. When confronted about this all he had to say was, “I am the same as any president that was before me. Just because I am Muslim instead of Christian will not change how this country is run. The only factor of the way I will hold my presidency is that of equality for all American Citizens.”
With so many changes already happening we can only hope this trend will continue across his four year term.
Dear Editor,
Voting for President Mustafa was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It is great to finally have someone in office that wasn’t of Christian or Catholic faith. As a person who is Muslim I never thought I would live to see the day where I wasn’t looked at with fear or being assumed to be a terrorist. People might accuse me of voting for him because he is a Muslim. Despite this being one of the factors, it is not the only one. President Mustafa is highly qualified. He was the Mayor of Chicago, Governor of Illinois, and a senator. Not to mention he speaks three languages and has a degree in both political science and law. Even if he had been a different race, I would have still voted for him because I believe in him and his policies. After taking oath, President Mustafa has changed so much for people of all races. Trying to have people accept one another with different programs, activities, and toys. He especially focuses on the children because they are the future and if we can teach them to not be racist America will be better for it. President Mustafa is a role model for the races that have faced prejudice. His presidency proves that no matter where you come from or what the color of your skin is, you can do anything you put your mind to.
Thank you for publishing my letter,
Aaleyah Yasin
Dear Editor,
The United States is going downhill fast. How could we allow a Muslim to President? He will drive this country into the ground. Mustafa needs to go back from where he came from before he lets more terrorists into America. His people beat and rape their women! this cannot happen here America is for the free. For him to not pledge to God is a sign of the horrors to come. It is one nation under God, not Allah!
David Smith
This doll has a button that changes skin tone and comes with traditional garments from multiple countries around the world. It will teach children acceptance of others and their heritage. The goal is to eventually eradicate discrimination of others based off of what they look like or where they come from.
Friday, February 10, 2017
Generations and Their Colors
In unit 2, Group, we learned about how a person's behavior changes when surrounded by others and their awareness to this alteration. We looked into similarities between group dynamics and what makes them function. Some of the groups we researched were Boy Scouts, Outward Bound, and NOLS with the goal of finding out their purpose and why they've lasted for so long. To help understand group dynamics we planned out team building activities and the class ended up becoming closer due to it. For our action project we had to design and administer a sociological experiment. I chose to observe how a person’s tattoos and race can affect how they're viewed by multiple of societies generations. I really enjoyed being able to look into this because it hits close to home. I love tattoos, I currently have two, and have been told by many people that they will affect my chances of getting a job. It was a struggle to write since my project was somewhat more difficult due to having multiple variables that needed testing. However, this was overcome with minor obstacles with the help of my teacher and a friend. Please enjoy my lab report below.
Friday, February 3, 2017
The Great Recession vs. Everyone
In unit 1, History, of Equality we learned about issues revolving around race, gender, and class. For our action project we wrote a history chapter about a major event from the past twenty years. The catch was that it needed to be written in the point of view of a marginalized voice. The event I ended up choosing the Great Recession in 2008 because we as a country are still recovering from it nine years later. The specific voices I chose were those of business owners, college graduates, and construction workers and I interviewed someone from each category. We also needed to include three educational devices to make it both support my writing and appear as an actual chapter in a history textbook. I really enjoyed researching more about this topic because my family was greatly impacted by this event. However, I ran into many problems the main one being who to interview. I had to ask my teacher who the marginalized voice would be during the Great Recession. Please enjoy my history chapter below.
GCE Lab School,
Winter 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
I Am Me
In unit 1, Individual, we learned all about different psychological evaluation tests that help individuals discover more about themselves. These tests measure how much we truly know about ourselves and the way we function in society. This brought us to our action project, making a self portrait and artist statement about what we've learned about ourselves. We were given free reign of how we wanted to represent ourselves in our self portraits from concrete to completely abstract concepts using whatever medium we wanted. I decided to do a more abstract drawing that shows both the tests I took and my true self. I had mixed feelings when creating this project. On one hand I loved the creative liberty given to us and that we got to share more about ourselves with others. On the other hand it was really hard to express who I am as a whole in a single image. It was challenging and took me a while to decide on an idea for the project. I knew I wanted to incorporate eyes in some way and went from there. In the end it turned out to be something I loved and am extremely proud of, I managed to capture the basics of my essence in this drawing. Please enjoy my self portrait and artist statement below.
"Through the Eyes of Me"
Computer Printing, Sharpie, and Colored Pencils on Card Stock
H 9" x W 12"
I had taken a multitude of psychological tests in order to have a better understanding of myself. Out of all the tests the two I think represent me most were the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs. In the Enneagram test I ended up being a six, otherwise known as the Loyalist, meaning that I will do anything for what I believe in and for those I care for. Sixes are the committed, security-oriented type and are known to be “reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion.” (“The Loyalist Enneagram Type 6”, 2016). It freaks me out how spot on my test results were. I tend to try and solve problems before they happen and am constantly wary of others and their intentions. The reason being is that I’m afraid to be forgotten and left behind once again; to not have the security and support that I need when life gets tough is terrifying. So when I decide to put my trust into a person or idea I make sure to defend it with all my being. If you ask anyone who is close to me what the most predominant trait I have the answer will always be my loyalty. This is represented by the eyes and the tree. The eyes are the physical representation of my loyalty, one being human while the other being a wolf, an animal that is immensely faithful and that I am compared to quite often. The blue color of the irises is for my true eye color and the color symbolization of devotion. Trees are known to be sturdy, unmoving and to solidify this thought I wrote “security” in Tagalog, my native language. For the Myers-Briggs test I was placed into the ENTP group, which is also called the “debater” or “visionary”. They are “quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems. Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically. Good at reading other people. Bored by routine, will seldom do the same thing the same way, apt to turn to one new interest after another.” (ENTP Type, 2016). This is fairly accurate, but not exactly me. The problem with this test was that it was very black and white; there is no grey area. You’re either an extrovert, who thrives off of being action oriented, preferring frequent interaction and getting energy from spending time with people, or an introvert, who prospers from being thought oriented, favoring substantial interaction and receive energy from spending time alone. I am neither of these, instead am an ambivert, a person who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion. I don’t prefer one way of functioning over another, rather I’m a jack of all trades doing well in any situation be it social or secluded setting. To show this I have two different skylines portraying my interactions with my surroundings, twilight for introversion and dawn for extroversion. The silhouettes of the people are manifestations of me and how I can easily blend into each trait.
I looked into other psychological assessments and case studies to gather a better understanding on human and, ultimately, my behavior. I first delved into an unofficial, but quite accurate, assessment: Pottermore. I took the test that places you into a Hogwarts house; I ended up being sorted into Slytherin. Their traits are cunning, ambitious, resourceful, shrewd, loyal, and determined. This strongly backed up my results in the other tests with certain traits being repeated. For instance loyalty makes another appearance due to Slytherins constantly looking out for eachother. Though many believe that being a Slytherin means that you’re evil. This is not true it just so happens to be that there were recently many infamous dark wizards that came from Slytherin, the other houses have had their fair share in producing dark wizards but no one mentions it. Merlin, the most famous wizard ever who was the definition of good, just so happened to be a Slytherin. The Slytherin house is just frequently misunderstood. A case study that we analyzed that connects to the Pottermore test was the Stanford Prison Experiment. Psychologist Philip Zimbardo designed a prison simulation where students played the role of a guard or inmate. The experiment ended early due to the severity the guards treated the inmates, causing them extreme psychological torture. In this case the power the guards believed they held went to their heads despite being picked randomly from the same group as the inmates. Proving that anyone has the potential for evil given the right situation.
The thought process behind my piece was confusing and didn’t have a final form until I finished. I knew that I wanted eyes to be incorporated due to their unique beauty and doors to the soul. From there I figured that a concrete portrait wouldn’t get my whole message across so I went with an abstract piece. Deciding on the medium had been the last big hurdle that needed to be determined before I could let loose my creativity. As a kid I loved to use colored pencils so I opted to go with that. Keeping the tests in mind I filtered through different ideas that I could integrate the eyes that I wanted. Once I thought of a semi-concrete idea I began drawing, but as I continued to draw new ideas kept coming causing me to add something last minute. The colors of everything was decided at the end based off of what I thought would best express both the tests and who I am. When talking to a professional photographer on the process of creating art accompanied by an artist statement she told me this: “Art helps people change the way they look at things without realizing it.” This really made me think about why I created this piece. What view was I exactly trying to change? Eventually I came to this conclusion - go out into the world to learn more about yourself and don’t be afraid to show who you truly are. The world is constantly trying to put people down and make them feel bad and embarrassed about what makes them different. This is causing people to lose touch with themselves. I want people to go express themselves, be unique, and make sure that to have fun while doing it.
Berkers, E. (2017). Enneagram Tests (free). Retrieved January 18, 2017, from
Briggs Myers, I. (n.d.). The 16 MBTI Types. Retrieved January 18, 2017, from
ENTP PERSONALITY (“THE DEBATER”). (2011). Retrieved January 23, 2017, from
ENTP: The Visionary. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2017, from
Hogwarts houses: Slytherin. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2017, from
On Ambiverts: Why Distinguishing Between Extroverts and Introverts is Inadequate. (2013, June 08). Retrieved January 23, 2017, from
Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment revealed how social roles can influence our behavior. We look at how it was conducted and what we can learn from it. (n.d.). Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment. Retrieved January 20, 2017, from
![]() |
TS. "Through the Eyes of Me". 2017. Chicago |
Computer Printing, Sharpie, and Colored Pencils on Card Stock
H 9" x W 12"
I had taken a multitude of psychological tests in order to have a better understanding of myself. Out of all the tests the two I think represent me most were the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs. In the Enneagram test I ended up being a six, otherwise known as the Loyalist, meaning that I will do anything for what I believe in and for those I care for. Sixes are the committed, security-oriented type and are known to be “reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion.” (“The Loyalist Enneagram Type 6”, 2016). It freaks me out how spot on my test results were. I tend to try and solve problems before they happen and am constantly wary of others and their intentions. The reason being is that I’m afraid to be forgotten and left behind once again; to not have the security and support that I need when life gets tough is terrifying. So when I decide to put my trust into a person or idea I make sure to defend it with all my being. If you ask anyone who is close to me what the most predominant trait I have the answer will always be my loyalty. This is represented by the eyes and the tree. The eyes are the physical representation of my loyalty, one being human while the other being a wolf, an animal that is immensely faithful and that I am compared to quite often. The blue color of the irises is for my true eye color and the color symbolization of devotion. Trees are known to be sturdy, unmoving and to solidify this thought I wrote “security” in Tagalog, my native language. For the Myers-Briggs test I was placed into the ENTP group, which is also called the “debater” or “visionary”. They are “quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems. Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically. Good at reading other people. Bored by routine, will seldom do the same thing the same way, apt to turn to one new interest after another.” (ENTP Type, 2016). This is fairly accurate, but not exactly me. The problem with this test was that it was very black and white; there is no grey area. You’re either an extrovert, who thrives off of being action oriented, preferring frequent interaction and getting energy from spending time with people, or an introvert, who prospers from being thought oriented, favoring substantial interaction and receive energy from spending time alone. I am neither of these, instead am an ambivert, a person who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion. I don’t prefer one way of functioning over another, rather I’m a jack of all trades doing well in any situation be it social or secluded setting. To show this I have two different skylines portraying my interactions with my surroundings, twilight for introversion and dawn for extroversion. The silhouettes of the people are manifestations of me and how I can easily blend into each trait.
I looked into other psychological assessments and case studies to gather a better understanding on human and, ultimately, my behavior. I first delved into an unofficial, but quite accurate, assessment: Pottermore. I took the test that places you into a Hogwarts house; I ended up being sorted into Slytherin. Their traits are cunning, ambitious, resourceful, shrewd, loyal, and determined. This strongly backed up my results in the other tests with certain traits being repeated. For instance loyalty makes another appearance due to Slytherins constantly looking out for eachother. Though many believe that being a Slytherin means that you’re evil. This is not true it just so happens to be that there were recently many infamous dark wizards that came from Slytherin, the other houses have had their fair share in producing dark wizards but no one mentions it. Merlin, the most famous wizard ever who was the definition of good, just so happened to be a Slytherin. The Slytherin house is just frequently misunderstood. A case study that we analyzed that connects to the Pottermore test was the Stanford Prison Experiment. Psychologist Philip Zimbardo designed a prison simulation where students played the role of a guard or inmate. The experiment ended early due to the severity the guards treated the inmates, causing them extreme psychological torture. In this case the power the guards believed they held went to their heads despite being picked randomly from the same group as the inmates. Proving that anyone has the potential for evil given the right situation.
The thought process behind my piece was confusing and didn’t have a final form until I finished. I knew that I wanted eyes to be incorporated due to their unique beauty and doors to the soul. From there I figured that a concrete portrait wouldn’t get my whole message across so I went with an abstract piece. Deciding on the medium had been the last big hurdle that needed to be determined before I could let loose my creativity. As a kid I loved to use colored pencils so I opted to go with that. Keeping the tests in mind I filtered through different ideas that I could integrate the eyes that I wanted. Once I thought of a semi-concrete idea I began drawing, but as I continued to draw new ideas kept coming causing me to add something last minute. The colors of everything was decided at the end based off of what I thought would best express both the tests and who I am. When talking to a professional photographer on the process of creating art accompanied by an artist statement she told me this: “Art helps people change the way they look at things without realizing it.” This really made me think about why I created this piece. What view was I exactly trying to change? Eventually I came to this conclusion - go out into the world to learn more about yourself and don’t be afraid to show who you truly are. The world is constantly trying to put people down and make them feel bad and embarrassed about what makes them different. This is causing people to lose touch with themselves. I want people to go express themselves, be unique, and make sure that to have fun while doing it.
Works Cited:
Berkers, E. (2017). Enneagram Tests (free). Retrieved January 18, 2017, from
Briggs Myers, I. (n.d.). The 16 MBTI Types. Retrieved January 18, 2017, from
ENTP PERSONALITY (“THE DEBATER”). (2011). Retrieved January 23, 2017, from
ENTP: The Visionary. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2017, from
Hogwarts houses: Slytherin. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2017, from
On Ambiverts: Why Distinguishing Between Extroverts and Introverts is Inadequate. (2013, June 08). Retrieved January 23, 2017, from
Sol, M. (2016, November 03). Ambiversion: The Lost Personality Type. Retrieved January 21, 2017, from
Type Six - The Loyalist. (2016). Retrieved January 19, 2017, from
Type Six - The Loyalist. (2016). Retrieved January 19, 2017, from
Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment revealed how social roles can influence our behavior. We look at how it was conducted and what we can learn from it. (n.d.). Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment. Retrieved January 20, 2017, from
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